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​God is a God of TIME and SEASONS. 

"Men who understood the times." 

- 1 Chronicles 12:32

The Secret Scroll and its SEVEN SEALS, as described within Revelation 1:1-6 and 6:1-17, is a secret prophecy given to the apostle John on the island of Patmos nearly two thousand years ago, sealed up and not to be understood until the ‘Beginning of the End’.  ​The breaking of the seals releases worldwide Biblical Events upon the earth one-by-one; with the first 4-seals representing the 4-horseman of the apocalypse, each horseman representing a different Judgement.  


When the first seal is broken, our WORLD CHANGES FOREVER… welcome to January 2020!!!  The first of the seven seals was broken as 2020 began with the release of the Corona Virus and now our world has CHANGED FOREVER.


The second of the seven seals was broken on Pentecost May 31, 2020, with the start of the George Floyd riots and subsequent worldwide rioting and violence specifically in Brazil, London, Argentina, Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, New York, Seattle, including Black Lives Matter, Russia-Ukraine War, Canada Trucker Convoy, Israel-Hamas War, to name only a few… as 'peace was taken from the earth’. 


The breaking of the next seal, the third seal, brings with it an Economic Collapse, the fall of the Goliath worldwide paper based financial system we know, as described in Daniel 2:34, resulting in a ‘rebalancing’ or a rise of a NEW one, a financial system of honest money, God's money silver & gold, not fake fiat (paper).  The net result will be sudden HYPERINFLATION with skyrocketing food and commodity prices as the global 'elites' money, the US Dollar, used to control humanity suddenly loses its status as the world’s reserve currency. 


In March 2020 the US Stock Market crashed -38%, followed by a barrel of oil going to -$38 on precisely April 20-21, 2020, a KEY DATE we forecast months in advance; this crash in 2020 is a prelude and a foreshadow to the coming Worldwide Economic Collapse, God's ‘rebalancing’ of the worldwide financial system. 


Those who follow our TIME analysis will know another KEY cycle date was September 18 (Rosh Hashana 2020) and this date was expected to “NOT disappoint!” On this exact date, supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died; and then again on Rosh Hashanah 2021, another KEY cycle date, China's Evergrande Bond sales were halted to prevent a financial collapse of China and next the third KEY date September 25, Rosh Hashanah 2022, the Brunson case was received by the Supreme Court and docketed 'miraculously' on KEY date October 24, 2022 (10.24)!   These Rosh Hashana events of 2021 and 2022 will in time result in Biblical changes relating to each specific events, as did the death of Ginsberg result in the eventual overturning in of Roe v Wade!

The next & soon to be third seal event will stop the elite's agenda to destroy the US Constitution, a nation founded ‘under GOD’, that specifically includes their plan to completely remove GOD out of America.  The elite, who control a Goliath financial system are about to be completely caught off-guard as 'faith and confidence' in their current fiat 'paper' debt-based system, specifically the US Dollar and Bonds is shaken... Financial Earthquakes coming!!  

In the 6-months between the January 20, 2025 Trump inauguration and July 4, 2025, expect to witness one of the greatest moves of God’s spirit ever in the History of the World, one of God’s biggest surprises ever that will hit the elite who have manipulated everything for generations The US dollar will crash, and the GOLIATH worldwide financial system will fall!  God’s people will begin to rise-up in America and then the world.  Gold and Silver [God's money] and also bitcoin, including many alternate cryptocurrencies, will suddenly multiply in price causing GREAT CELEBRATIONS by those 'wise' who have listened & prepared, as the world suddenly AWAKENS to a New Era of TIME as 'HIS GLORY' manifests on this earth!  This coming event has long been described in Proverbs 13:22 and it states, "a sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous".  This event in time will eventually be labeled 'THE GREAT AWAKENING!'

Is your family's Lifeboat of silver, gold, food, water and even cryptocurrencies in order?  What about your family's ARK-of-SAFETY, have you considered BUILDING one or getting involved financially when God blesses His church?

The year 2020 marked The Beginning Of "The" End, "The Beginning of Sorrows" (John 16:22) and the start of 2024 will mark the beginning of "Their" End, the evil ones, the 'elite' who have controlled humanity by manipulating the markets, interest rates, gold, silver prices; those who have controlled the money supply for generations.  June 24, 2022, marked an 'essential turning point' for our world with the 'overturning' of Roe v Wade, as God is now with us, for we are no longer killing His creation as a nation!  The Birth of God's New Era, causing the 'Kings of the earth to weep and wail' (Rev. 18:8-9) is expected to arrive in early 2024 with the fall of 'Mystery Babylon'.  A war was expected to begin on October 6 -7, 2023 as Tabernacles ended, and a war broke out in Israel.  This war is expected to be short-lived and is to 'suddenly' come to an end as 'Mystery Babylon' falls and their money to fund these wars suddenly dries up.  A NEW ERA, The Kingdom of David, is expected to be born July 4, 2025. Those who have planted 'evil' seeds for us, are about to reap what they have sown on their own heads with 'The Great Worldwide Awakening!'  

Jesus died and so too will the United States of America starting with the fall of its currency 'they' create out of 'thin air'; only to RISE from the dead in great victory over evil. REBORN, a Baptism from death to a new LIFE is coming to America!  Whatever is to come, as scary as it might 'appear'; remember God, the Father, and Jesus are in complete control.  God will NOT be mocked by evil... rejoice... we have already won! 


Two hundred and forty eight (248) years for the July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence is July 4, 2024 and this biblical 248th years ends July 3, 2025. 


Beginning July 4 - 11, 2025 arrives the Re-Birth of America, bringing with it Blessing, Revival, Awakening, Vindication, and an Open Heaven... B.R.A.V.O !!!  WE WIN!

                                                             - Bo Polny, Analyst of TIME



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The US Stock Market Crashed 38% in March 2020, as forecast;
with the return of President Trump...
How will Bitcoin, Gold, Silver and the Cryptocurrencies react in the turmoil?

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  1. New York - Metal and Minerals Investment Conference, 2014

  2. Seattle - Washington Cambridge House Silver Summit, 2014

  3. London - Mines and Money, 2014

  4. Vancouver - Cambridge House Resource Investment Conference, January 2015

  5. Singapore - Mining Investment Asia, March 2015

  6. Hong Kong - Mines and Money Conference, March 2015

  7. Vancouver - Cambridge House Resource Investment Conference, January 2016

  8. Acapulco - TDV Investment & Internationalization Summit, February 2016

  9. Toronto Canada - PDAC 2016 World’s Largest Mining Conference, March 2016

  10. Singapore - Mining Investment Asia, April 2016

  11. Vancouver - Cambridge House Resource Investment Conference, January 2017

  12. Germany - Mining Investment Conference, June 2017

  13. San Francisco - The Silver Gold Summit, November 2017

  14. London - Mining Investment Asia, November 2017

  15. Vancouver - Cambridge House Resource Investment Conference, January 2018

  16. Toronto Canada - PDAC 2018, March 2018

  17. Washington DC - 3rd Annual Blockchain Conference, July 2018

  18. Barcelona Spain - CoinsBank Blockchain Cruise, September 2018

  19. Los Angeles, with CNBC - Crypto Invest Summit, October 2018

  20. Vienna Austria, - European Blockchain Investment Summit, February 2019

  21. Las Vegas - Litecoin Summit, October 2019 

  22. Maryland - Patriots Arise, October 2021

  23. Phoenix, Arizona - Clay Clark's ReAwaken America Tour, January 14-15, 2022

  24. Canton, Ohio - ReAwaken America Tour, Feb 18-19, 2022

  25. San Diego, CA - ReAwaken America Tour, Mar 11-12, 2022

  26. Metairie, Louisiana - The Gathering, Mar 19, 2022

  27. Salem, OR - ReAwaken America Tour, April 1-2, 2022

  28. Myrtle Beach, SC - ReAwaken America Tour, May 13-14, 2022

  29. Virginia Beach, VA - ReAwaken America Tour, July 8-9, 2022

  30. Rochester Beach, NY - ReAwaken America Tour, August 12-13, 2022

  31. Post Falls, ID - ReAwaken America Tour, September 16-17, 2022

  32. Manheim, PA - ReAwaken America Tour, October 21-22, 2022

  33. Nashville, TN - ReAwaken America Tour, January 20-21, 2023

  34. Mt. Pleasant, TX - His Glory Revival Tour, April 1, 2023

  35. Miami, FL - ReAwaken America Tour, May 12-13, 2023

  36. St Cloud, MN - Healing, Deliverance, Miracles, May 19-20, 2023

  37. Las Vegas, NV - ReAwaken America Tour, August 25-26, 2023

  38. Miami, FL - ReAwaken America Tour, October 13-14, 2023

  39. Dallas, TX - HisGlory Tent Revival Tour, October 21, 2023

  40. Tulare, CA - ReAwaken America Tour, December 16-17, 2023

  41. Dallas, TX - HisGlory The Time to Save America is Now, May 18, 2024

  42. Detroit, MI - ReAwaken America Tour, June 7-8, 2024

  43. St. Cloud, MN - IN HIS GLORY MINISTRIES, October 18, 2024

  44. Selma, NC - ReAwaken America Tour, October 18-19, 2024 (CLICK LINK)


"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun".  - Ecclesiastes 1:9


"Life is full of cycles that do nothing more than replay themselves at different price and TIME points".  - Bo Polny

Death and Rebirth of America!

Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny predicted long ago that Donald J. Trump would be swept back into office.  After Trump’s stolen election in 2020, Polny steadfastly said he would still get two terms.  He was right on both counts.  What does Polny see now?  Polny says, “God used Trump as the cheese to bring out all the rats.  Right before the election, everybody exposed themselves of what side they are sitting on.  All these people in Hollywood were saying all this crazy stuff right into the election.  All the players exposed what side of the fence they are sitting on.  Think about it.  So, now you know all the players. . . . We are going to find out more very soon because this is not done yet.  As great as the victory was in 2016, for the next four years, it was Russia-gate, China-gate, warfare, lawfare and impeach.  I ask a simple question:  What is going to change this time around?  Demons only know how to steal, kill and destroy.  We saw that for four years, and we are going to see that again for four more years, but this time God is going to intervene, and we are not going to see that.”

Polny says that the economy is going to be rebuilt, and gold and silver are going to jump even higher in price.  Months ago, Polny predicted Bitcoin would hit $100,000 per unit by the end of 2024.  It hit $94,000 before settling back down on Tuesday (11/19).  Polny says, “We have not had the wealth transfer yet.  We have seen Bitcoin jump, but we have not seen gold and silver jump yet.  It’s going to explode.  My first target is $68 to $70 in a single day for silver and gold over $4,000 per ounce in a single day.”  

Later in the interview, Polny predicts his top price targets for both gold and silver, and they are both going many times higher than the price today.

Polny says expect the Left to do desperate things.  Just look at the Pharoah of ancient Egypt in the Bible when he chases the Israelites down and corners them at the Red Sea.  Polny says, “Pharoah brought everything he had.  He brought all his chariots, and he brought all his army.  He brought everything he had.  So, if you compare that to now, what would they do?  They will bring everything they’ve got to destroy us because they want to bring in their plans.  What does that mean?  Everything we’ve got right now is the threat of nuclear war.  Is that on the table?  Yes, absolutely.  It’s going to get very scary. . . . At the Red Sea, it was a freak out session.  That is what we are stepping into.  It’s a very scary timepoint, and it has to be this way.  Israel prayed, and it looked like there was no way out.  Then, suddenly, and the best word in the Bible is ‘suddenly.’  Suddenly, God showed up and the Red Sea parted.  Israel went through, and then Pharoah, out of pride and arrogance, thought his god opened it.  So, he went into the Red Sea, only to walk into the greatest trap in history, and then he got destroyed.  So, expect all this to happen.  Expect the threat of nuclear war because they are not going to back down.  They can’t back down because they can’t let the truth come out about what they have done. . . . There are going to be wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not now.  See to it you are not alarmed.  What we are witnessing is the beginning of birth pains. . . . We are stepping into the birth of the Kingdom of David. . . .We are stepping into the rebirth of America.  The Babylonian system has to come down. . . . Babylon is expected to fall into year end.”  

So, the America that is today has to die to make way for the rebirth of a new America.

Polny contends, “The system is so corrupt, so evil, and all these people have a secret handshake globally.  Trump wanted to drain the swamp, and Trump found out the swamp wasn’t just the United States–it was a global swamp.  That’s what Babylon is.  It turned from the United States and into a global syndicate.  Unless we have a Godly intervention, and we are going to have a Godly intervention, that is going to bring us into the Golden Age. . . .  Jesus died on the cross.  We are victorious through Jesus.  He redeemed us.  People talk about fear.  What is there to fear exactly?  We can step on the heads of snakes, scorpions and serpents in the name of Jesus.  In the name of Jesus, there is nothing to fear.”

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— Noah Christopher

Bo, your forecast of the November 8, 2022 Historic FTX Crash to the EXACT DAY weeks in advance was UNBELIEVABLE! 

Then, forecasting the November 22, 2022 bitcoin bottom to the EXACT DAY, truly INCREDIBLE!  Thank you.
(LINK to Verify)

(November 31, 2022)


The above represents opinion and analysis of Mr. Polny, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Polny's opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies. Mr. Polny is an independent analyst who receives no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Polny recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications.  Although an experienced analyst, Mr. Polny is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Polny’s opinions on the markets, stocks and commodities are his own and can not be construed as a solicitation to buy and sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies.





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